  • 业务分析师
  • 经济学家
  • 统计学家
  • 营销经理
  • 研究分析师
  • 信贷员
  • 政府决策者
  • 研究生院
  • 法学院


对研究财富感兴趣吗, 增长, 贸易, 供求关系, 通货膨胀, 经济衰退, depression and understanding how each effect the world's economy. 


Rigorous coursework with the opportunity to customize elective classes based on your interests. A major that can be applied in a variety of career pathways.


  • 公司经理
  • 财务顾问
  • 证券分析师
  • 保险经纪人
  • 风险管理主任


Besides being important for understanding contemporary social issues, economics is useful in developing career skills for business, 法律, 教学, 公共行政与研究. If you enjoy the challenge of understanding how the economy works and how economic concepts are used in making decisions, 经济学提供了一个刺激和有益的职业.


The study of economics has a long tradition at 乐虎电子. A student pursuing an economics major at NDSU has the advantage of receiving instruction from a well-established and strong faculty. 经济学 courses are taken by students in all colleges on campus, so classes provide an opportunity to broaden one’s understanding through interaction with other students.

The Department offers three tracks within the economics major: a general economics track, 数量经济学轨迹, 还有商业经济学课程.

  • The general economics track offers students more flexibility in terms of economics field course selection.
  • The quantitative economics track is designed for students who desire to pursue a graduate degree in economics after earning a bachelor's degree, or for students who desire a quantitative approach to economics. Students with strong quantitative and/or statistical backgrounds are highly encouraged to select the quantitative economics track.
  • The business economics track is designed for economics students seeking business-oriented careers; it requires students to complete specific business and accounting courses offered through the 大学 of 业务.

大一和大二的时候, the program requires basic college courses such as English, 数学, 科学, 通讯及资讯科技. The introduction to economics includes 1) microeconomics, the study of relative prices and the consequences of different market forms, 2)宏观经济, the study of such topics as the general level of prices, 就业和产出.

经济学 majors take a one-year sequence in intermediate economic theory. Students enhance their ability to explain and use fundamental microeconomics and macroeconomics concepts and are further exposed to relationships between governments and markets. These concepts and relationships establish the foundation a student needs to deal with current economic issues.

经济学 students take elective courses to develop areas of emphasis such as development economics, 国际经济, 产业组织, 公共经济学, 卫生经济学, 自然资源经济学, 创业经济学, 环境经济学. A representative program for the major in economics is summarized on the back of this page. A major in economics also can be combined with a variety of minors and other majors and still be completed in four years. The concepts of economics can be applied to many fields. A minor in economics may be selected in combination with most other majors on campus, 包括业务.


研究生s with degrees in economics are in high demand, with economics consistently being among the top five majors wanted by employers. 业务, 行业, government service and 教学 are some of the possible areas of employment for the economist. The study of economics also provides excellent preparation for graduate education in areas such as business, 经济与法律.


It is recommended that high school students interested in studying economics at the university level concentrate on developing their mathematical and writing skills.


The economics faculty within the Department of Agribusiness and Applied 经济学 is student and academic oriented. The low student to faculty ratio in upper division economic courses provides close relationships and an interactive learning environment.


A number of scholarships are available to outstanding agribusiness and applied economics majors. The 大学 of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources awards scholarships each year. 有关奖学金的更多信息,请访问: http://www/zjjxhcj.com/admission/scholarships/.